- excelRet
XLOPER12 excelRet(T wrappedRet)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- stringAutoFreeOper
XLOPER12 stringAutoFreeOper(T msg)
Return an autofreeable XLOPER12 from a string to return to Excel.
- toDArgs
auto toDArgs(A allocator, T args)
Converts a variadic number of XLOPER12* to their equivalent D types
and returns a tuple
- toPascalCase
string toPascalCase(string func)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- wrapAll
string wrapAll(Flag!"onlyExports" onlyExports, Flag!"pascalCase" pascalCase, string mainModule)
Wrap all modules given as strings.
Also deals with some necessary boilerplate.
- wrapAsync
void wrapAsync(A allocator, XLOPER12 asyncHandle, T args)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- wrapAsyncImpl
void wrapAsyncImpl(A allocator, XLOPER12 asyncHandle, T dArgs)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- wrapModuleFunctionImpl
XLOPER12* wrapModuleFunctionImpl(A allocator, T args)
Implement a wrapper for a regular D function
- wrapModuleFunctionStr
string wrapModuleFunctionStr(Flag!"pascalCase" pascalCase, string callingModule)
A string to use with mixin that wraps a D function
- wrapModuleMember
string wrapModuleMember(Flag!"onlyExports" onlyExports, Flag!"pascalCase" pascalCase, string callingModule)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- wrapModuleWorksheetFunctionsString
string wrapModuleWorksheetFunctionsString(Flag!"onlyExports" onlyExports, Flag!"pascalCase" pascalCase, string callingModule)
A string to mixin that wraps all eligible functions in the
given module.
- wrapWorksheetFunctionsString
string wrapWorksheetFunctionsString(Flag!"onlyExports" onlyExports, Flag!"pascalCase" pascalCase, string callingModule)
Wrap all modules given as strings.
Wrapper module for Excel. This module contains the functionality that autowraps D code for use within Excel.