
Wrapper for the Excel12 function that allows passing D arrays

Purpose: A fancy wrapper for the Excel12() function. It also does the following:

(1) Checks that none of the LPXLOPER12 arguments are 0, which would indicate that creating a temporary XLOPER12 has failed. In this case, it doesn't call Excel12 but it does print a debug message. (2) If an error occurs while calling Excel12, print a useful debug message. (3) When done, free all temporary memory.

#1 and #2 require _DEBUG to be defined.

  1. int Excel12f(int xlfn, LPXLOPER12 pxResult, LPXLOPER12[] args)
    nothrow @nogc
  2. int Excel12f(int xlfn, LPXLOPER12 result, const(XLOPER12)[] args)
  3. int Excel12f(int xlfn, LPXLOPER12 pxResult)

Return Value

Type: int

A return code (Some of the xlret... values, as defined in XLCALL.H, OR'ed together).

